shecco co-authors first EU manual on CO2 refrigerant

02 December 2009

As member of the NARECO2 project, shecco has added its expertise on the political and economic dimension of the natural refrigerant CO2 in heating, cooling, and refrigeration to contribute a chapter to the first comprehensive technology guide on CO2 in the European Union.

Building on more than 9 years of experience in actively supporting the uptake of carbon dioxide as a natural refrigerant in heating, cooling and refrigeration applications, shecco has contributed to the first CO2 manual in the EU to outline the technological and economic potential of the natural refrigerant. First presented to the wider public at the ATMOsphere 2009 conference organised by shecco in October 2009, the CO2 manual was received by EU officials, international organisations, industry and non-governmental bodies with high interest. 

The 500-pages document is the most extensive manual to date to summarise the knowledge of leading research institutes across Europe, including Catholic University Limburg (Belgium), SINTEF (Norway), University of Padova (Italy), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (Germany), and Danish Technological Institute (Denmark). It was launched at ATMOsphere 2009 as the finishing point of the NARECO2(Natural Refrigerant CO2) project running from 2007-10 within the framework of the Leonardo Life Long Learning programme of the European Commission. 

“We are confident that the NARECO2 project has delivered on its aim to bring together leading experts for CO2 as a natural refrigerant, share knowledge across and beyond Europe, and inform the HVAC&R industry, engineers, training staff, and policy makers about the technology potential of non-fluorinated refrigerant alternatives,” says Nina Burhenne, NARECO2 project manager on behalf of shecco.

“The resulting manual provides practical and structured information on how to install and handle CO2 systems, but it will hopefully also serve as a most complete guide for policy decision makers wanting to learn more about the natural refrigerant's market potential today and in the future,” she adds.

For more information and to download the NARECO2 manual, please visit: