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shecco is proud to announce the launch of Part 1 of the “World Guide to Transcritical CO2 Refrigeration,” a free three-part online resource looking at the global market ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の27号は、激動の中を駆け抜けた「スーパーフェブラリー」に開催された、「スーパーマーケット・トレードショー2020」と「HCJ2020」、そしてsheccoが主催した自然冷媒国際会議「ATMOsphere ...
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shecco is proud to announce the online launch of the complete “World Guide to Low-Charge Ammonia,” a free three-part resource looking at the global market penetration and potential ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の25号は、表紙記事に岡山県に大規模商業施設となる「イオンスタイル岡山青江」をオープンさせ、福島工業製のCO2ショーケース約100台導入したイオンリテールの事例およびイオングループが10年間にわたって取り組んできた自然冷媒の歩みを掲載!そのほか、昨年3月に国内でも最大規模を誇る物流センターに計20台のアンモニア/CO2冷凍機を設置した東京団地冷蔵の取り組み、スイス国内最大小売業者Migrosの冷暖房もCO2冷媒で完成させた新店舗事例、フランス小売業者Lidl ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の24号は、今後さらなる市場拡大が見込まれる炭化水素冷媒のグローバルでの最新動向に特化した号となります。表紙記事には、国内で炭化水素冷媒が安全に普及するために、リスクアセスメントやガイドライン策定に注力する、一般社団法人日本冷凍空調工業会を取材。また、国際基準での充填量引き上げを受け、世界の各地域ごとの政策動向や機器メーカーの新たな戦略をヒアリングした世界動向も掲載。そのほか、「FOOMA ...
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With special coverage of natural refrigerant heat pumps, the April-May 2019 issue of Accelerate America explains why electric heat pumps using CO2 and other natural refrigerants are finding ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第22号は、2月に開催されたすべての業界イベントを包括した開催レポート特集号です。日本での開催は6回目となり、業界トップ層が集い新技術や導入事例を発表した自然冷媒国際会議 ...
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It is over three years since the first edition of Accelerate Australia & NZ magazine was published in autumn 2016. In that time much has changed in the HVAC&R industry, both here ...
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With special coverage of energy efficiency, the March 2019 issue of Accelerate America explains many low-cost or no-cost ways to save energy in industrial and commercial refrigeration equipment.Also ...
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Leadership is about having the courage to do what’s right. It’s about seizing opportunities that others don’t see. And it’s about anticipating change to stay ahead ...
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With special coverage of industrial refrigeration, the February 2019 issue of Accelerate America reports on how Campbell Soup, one of the first industrial operators to use low-charge ammonia ...
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With special coverage of food retail refrigeration, the January 2019 issue of Accelerate America explores how food stores in North America are replacing aging traditional display cases with ...
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The Bend Motorsport Park, which opened last April, is already putting South Australia on the motorsport map. By choosing natural refrigerants, the new facility is also racing ahead of the ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第20号は、外気温が高い地域では能力が下がると言われているCO2冷媒を使って、九州地方で冷凍冷蔵倉庫を運営し省エネ実績も出している芳雄製氷冷蔵の取材を表紙記事として掲載。また、自然冷媒リーディングカンパニーであるパナソニックの2019年度CO2戦略を含めた独占取材、独自のCO2ユニットクーラー開発への舵を切った原製作所取材、ドイツで開催され9割以上が自然冷媒技術を展示していた、冷凍・空調機器・ヒートポンプの国際展示会である「チルベンタ ...
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As 2018 draws to a close, it’s once again time to celebrate the innovators who have done the most to disrupt the HVAC&R industry and help make the business case for natural refrigerants ...
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With special coverage of ice rink refrigeration, the November-December 2018 issue of Accelerate America explains why natural refrigerants are the best alternative, both operationally and ...
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EIA and shecco have partnered to work on an initiative funded by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (KCEP) to bring about the consideration of energy efficiency requirements by members ...
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Jewel Fine Foods (JFF) is striving to provide Australia with the freshest and highest quality ready meals. The cover story of the new Accelerate Australia & NZ details the food manufacturer’s ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第19号は、グローバルでその省エネ性や省スペース、また機器コストがそ ...
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With special coverage of industrial refrigeration, the October 2018 issue of Accelerate America features one of the first U.S. industrial installations of transcritical CO2 refrigeration ...
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All over the world, forward-thinking end users of HVAC&R technology are looking for future-proof solutions that will help them to comply with the requirements of the Kigali Amendment ...
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All over the world, in every industry sector, new technologies are revolutionising our lives. The HVAC&R industry is no different in this respect. The autumn 2018 edition of Accelerate ...
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With special coverage of food retail, the September 2018 issue of Accelerate America features Mexico’s first transcritical all-CO2 refrigeration system, installed by Casa Ley, a food ...
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Check out the first edition of Accelerate Asia for all these stories, and much more!   
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第18号は、技術とフロンに関する規制の最新動向がテーマとなっています。今年6月時点で2900ものCO2店舗を構え、小売業の自然冷媒機器導入数「世界一」を目指すローソンが巻き起こす自然冷媒市場の競争化を、表紙記事としてお迎えしました。そのほか、経済産業省オゾン層保護等推進室長の皆川 ...
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The history of natural refrigerants is often a story of individuals. Of scientists and engineers pushing the boundaries of what these refrigerants can achieve. Of legislators making a place ...
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With special coverage of the 2018 Accelerate America Award winners, the August 2018 issue of Accelerate America profiles California State Senator Ricardo Lara (Person of the Year); Henningsen ...
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As technology develops, natural refrigerants are cementing their place not just as market-ready alternatives to HFCs today, but also as the future-proof HVAC&R solutions of tomorrow. ...
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With special coverage of policy, the June-July 2018 issue of Accelerate America explains how the EPA, Congress, and the White House, as well as the state of California, are navigating a ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第17号は、6月に開催されるFOOMA JAPANに向けた産業用分野特集号です!既存倉庫の営業を止めることなくR22からCO2機器の入れ替えに成功した浜松委托倉庫、国内でも導入事例の少ないCO2フリーザーを「ルマンドアイス」の硬化トンネルとして選択したブルボン、CO2単独機器とアンモニア/CO2機器を同時に導入した横浜冷凍などの取り組みを紹介。そのほか、世界的に著名な技術者ペガ・ハーンジャック氏の独占取材、炭化水素の基準に関する海外動向の最新情報、中国・北京で初開催し200名以上が参加したATMOsphere ...
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With special coverage of hydrocarbon systems, the May 2018 issue of Accelerate America examines the rapid growth of propane and isobutane refrigeration in supermarkets and other outlets, ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第16号は、様々な業界イベントが集中して開催された2月の「スーパーフェブラリー」に焦点を当てた、イベント開催レポート特集号となります。参加者数207名、参加企業・団体数83社を記録した自然冷媒国際会議 ...
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The first issue of Accelerate Australia & NZ was published in autumn 2016. The nine issues of the magazine have sought to highlight the most important organisations and companies behind ...
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With special coverage of central low-charge ammonia systems, the April 2018 issue of Accelerate America examines Illinois cold-storage operator Liberty Cold Storage’s decision to invest ...
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Welcome to the first edition of Accelerate China, the newest member of the Accelerate magazine family, where we plan to cover the use of natural refrigerants in China's fast-growing, and ...
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With special coverage of packaged low-charge ammonia systems, the March 2018 issue of Accelerate America examines California cold-storage operator KPAC General’s decision to invest ...
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This issue’s cover story puts the spotlight on market-leading cash and carry retailer Recheio, which is aiming for all its stores to use 100% natural refrigerants by 2030. After visiting ...
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The designers and architects of the Memphis Group produced post-modern furniture, fabrics, ceramics and other objects featuring colourful decoration and asymmetrical shapes. The group’s ...
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With special coverage of natural refrigerant research and innovation, the February 2018 issue of Accelerate America features an in-depth interview with world-renowned professor, researcher ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第15号は、様々な業界イベントが集中している2月の「スーパーフェブラリー」に向けて発行する自然冷媒の特集号となります。分野別の自然冷媒技術の最新動向、業務用CO2市場のパイオニアであるパナソニックの独占インタビュー、ドイツのスーパーで米国No.1のCO2システム導入数を誇るアルディ、中国で初のCO2システムを導入するメトロAG、2020年までに新車両の空調全てにCO2冷媒採用を試みるドイツ最大の鉄道会社ドイチェ・バーンなどの導入事例の数々、2月13日に開催予定のATMOsphere ...
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Facing some of the highest energy costs in the world in its South Australia home, Drakes Supermarkets – Australia’s largest independent grocery retailer – is more committed ...
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With special coverage of heat pumps, the January 2018 issue of Accelerate America describes how Sanden’s heat pump water heaters using CO2 refrigerant – still new to the North ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第14号は、CO2冷媒と炭化水素冷媒の業務用および産業用分野に特化した号となります。表紙記事には国内初の大型CO2機器を冷凍冷蔵倉庫に導入した東北水産をお迎えし、導入の背景と今後について取材。そのほか、すでに1000台以上の炭化水素機器を導入している米国大手ディスカウントストアチェーン・ターゲットの導入事例、世界のCO2導入店舗数の最新データの公開、アンモニア/CO2で冷却した無人ストアを展開するセインズベリーズの導入事例、炭化水素冷媒充填量の世界的な規制の動き、また9月に開催され428人が参加した国際会議ATMOsphere ...
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With special coverage of end users, the November-December 2017 issue of Accelerate America lists and describes a diverse array of 30 organizations that are pioneering the use of natural ...
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The past twelve months have been full of innovation in the HVAC&R sector. The winter 2017 edition of Accelerate Europe celebrates the people, companies and ideas that are disrupting ...
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With special coverage of natural refrigerants in air conditioning, the October 2017 issue of Accelerate America explains how an Ohio Campbell Soup plant’s use of a low-charge ammonia ...
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First movers towards natural refrigerants were attracted by the environmental benefits. It was about companies reducing the climate footprint of their HVAC&R needs. Yet the spring edition ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第13号は、産業用冷凍冷蔵分野の自然冷媒情報に特化した号となります。表紙記事には新設冷蔵庫に100%自然冷媒を採用している横浜冷凍をお迎えし、導入の背景と今後について取材。9月に始めてタイで開催したATMOsphere ...
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ALDI US is No. 1 in the U.S. with 69 transcritical CO2 installations With special coverage of food retailing, the September 2017 issue of Accelerate America explains how fast-growing ...
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Accelerate Corporate
This special edition of Accelerate Corporate – “Natural Refrigerants: Taking Root in North America – and Around the World” – looks at the growth of transcritical ...
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This special edition of Accelerate Corporate – “Natural Refrigerants: Taking Root in North America – and Around the World” – looks at the growth of ...
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With its HFC phase-down pathway enshrined in the EU F-Gas Regulation and plethora of innovative manufacturers and progressive end users, Europe already ranks among the world’s most ...
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Accelerate Corporate
This special edition of Accelerate Corporate – ‘Hydrocarbons – A New World Order’ – looks at how hydrocarbons are expanding into a wider range of business sectors ...
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This special edition of Accelerate Corporate – ‘Hydrocarbons – A New World Order’ – looks at how hydrocarbons are expanding into a wider range of ...
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Source Refrigeration’s pivotal role in the transition to natural refrigerantsWith special coverage of the role of the contractor, the August 2017 issue of Accelerate America describes ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第12号は、7月に閣議決定された高圧ガス保安法下でのCO2冷媒に対する規制緩和に関して、緩和実現までの軌跡とそれが起こす影響について日本冷凍空調工業会に取材。そのほか、豪州小売業大手のウールワース初のCO2機器の導入事例、370人が参加した国際会議ATMOsphere ...
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The passing of HFC phase-down legislation by the Turnbull government in June gives manufacturers and end users alike an extra incentive to invest in climate-friendly replacement technologies. ...
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With special coverage of the 2017 ATMOsphere America conference, the June-July 2017 issue of Accelerate America profiles the winners of the 2017 Accelerate America Awards, given for excellence ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第11号は、6月に開催されるFOOMA JAPAN 2017に向け、産業用冷凍冷蔵分野の最新動向をメインとしています。表紙記事には、日本で初めてアンモニア/CO2冷凍装置を工場に導入したネスレ日本を取材し、第一線で気候変動問題に取り組んできた同社の軌跡と実績を紹介。その他、カナダ、メキシコ、ベルギーでの導入事例、5月に開催され参加者数過去最多を記録したATMOsphere ...
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With special coverage of utility incentive programs, the May 2017 issue of Accelerate America features the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's new incentive program for natural ...
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As the HVAC&R sector around the world grapples with regulatory pressure to reduce HFC consumption, the summer edition of Accelerate Europe looks at how early adopters of natural ...
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- State of the Industry & Directory
THE reference tool for those looking for guidance on how to select the right training providers, knowledge sources and partners to build their business case around a safe, efficient and ...
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With special coverage of NH3/CO2 refrigeration systems, the April 2017 issue of Accelerate America features the decision by Frialsa, Mexico’s largest cold-storage operator, to buck ...
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With the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol giving leading retailers in Australia and New Zealand an extra incentive to forge ahead with their HFC phase-down pathways, the autumn ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第10号は、「スーパーフェブラリー」と呼ぶにふさわしい、冷凍冷蔵空調業界にとって主要な ...
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With special coverage of hydrocarbon refrigeration systems, the March 2017 issue of Accelerate America features the transition by myriad manufacturers of commercial refrigeration to propane ...
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As supermarket bosses gear up for next month’s EuroShop, the world’s biggest retail trade show, the spring edition of Accelerate Europe highlights how some of Europe’s ...
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With special coverage of low-charge ammonia refrigeration systems, the February 2017 issue of Accelerate America features Wholesome Harvest Baking’s deployment of the energy-efficient, ...
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This GUIDE to Natural Refrigerants at EuroShop provides a complete listing of all solutions and events related to natural refrigerants at the 2017 edition of EuroShop.
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As governments in Australia and New Zealand prepare to translate the ambitions of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol into deliverable HFC phase-down strategies at home, the summer ...
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With special coverage of California’s impact on the natural refrigerants market, the January 2017 issue of Accelerate America describes the Golden State’s national leadership ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第8刊では、CO2冷凍機を導入した新店舗を今年 8 月にオープンさせたコープみらいを表紙に迎えます。これに加え、2016年度末で計33カ所に自然冷媒機器を導入した生協全体の取り組み、ホールフーズ、コリュートなどの大手小売り業者による炭化水素機器導入事例、来年2月にsheccoが主催する「ATMOsphere ...
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With many in the HVAC&R industry still mulling over the implications of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, the winter edition of Accelerate Europe assesses whether the deal ...
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With special coverage of trends in natural refrigerants, including regulatory developments, the November-December 2016 issue of Accelerate America recognizes 25 “Movers & Shakers” ...
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For this third edition, Accelerate Australia & NZ reports on New Zealand food retailer Countdown’s hot pursuit of rival Foodstuffs and its plans to open 10 CO2 transcritical stores ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第7刊では、世界200ヶ国以上で展開しているグローバル企業、コカ・コーラを表紙に迎えます。これに加え、海外のエンドユーザによる導入事例、GUDE ...
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With special coverage of propane as a refrigerant in the food retail and industrial sectors, the October issue of Accelerate America explains Whole Food Market’s decision to install ...
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Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are the fastest growing source of greenhouse gases globally, but also one of the areas where climate-friendly, energy-efficient alternatives, such as natural ...
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The second issue of The Natural Voice magazine, entitled ‘Mainstreaming Natural Refrigerants’ showcases examples of installations using natural refrigerants around the world, ...
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This GUIDE to Natural Refrigerants at Chillventa provides a complete listing of all solutions and events related to natural refrigerants at the 2016 edition of Chillventa.
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For this fourth edition, Accelerate Europe visits Hans-Dieter Bruss, vice-president in the Transgourmet Group’s Central and Eastern European arm, to hear how the food retail giant ...
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With special coverage of the food retail sector, the September issue of Accelerate America explains why JTM Corp., which operators 19 franchised Piggly Wiggly stores along the ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第6刊は、業務用冷凍食品の製造で名高い日東ベストを表紙に迎えた、産業用自然冷媒特集です。初刊として発行された市場調査レポート『GUIDE ...
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With special coverage of the Accelerate America Awards and the 2016 ATMOsphere America conference, the July-August issue of Accelerate America tells why Marc-André Lesmerises, president ...
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For this second edition, Accelerate Australia & NZ delves into the dynamic at play among the many HVAC&R associations operating in the two countries, asking: How will industry ...
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Demystifying Natural Refrigerants
The first edition of The Natural Voice Magazine, entitled 'Demystifying Natural Refrigerants' outlines the use of natural refrigerants across the food cold chain, highlighting inspiring ...
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The “GUIDE to Natural Refrigerants in Japan - State of the Industry 2016" is an easy-to-access reference guide to the current and future market potential of refrigeration, heating ...
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With a special focus on industrial refrigeration and energy-efficiency incentives, Accelerate America tells the story of Becky and David Bornemeier, an entrepreneurial married couple in ...
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For this third edition, Accelerate Europe visits Paolo Martini, Refrigeration & HVAC Manager for International Support at the Carrefour Group, at his Brussels base to hear how the global ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の第5刊では、環境省の補助事業で業界初の炭化水素冷媒機器導入に成功した沖縄県のスーパーマーケット・ユニオンを表紙に迎えます。産業分野からは、業界で初めて大型アンモニア/CO2 ...
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With a special focus on heat pumps, Accelerate America reports on the Alaska SeaLife Center ‘s seven-year journey to shift 98% of its heating needs from fossil fuel to ocean water ...
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Next-generation Industrial Refrigeration - from Japan to the World
While ammonia has long been an accepted industry standard refrigerant, especially in larger industrial refrigeration systems, a new generation of natural refrigerant technology is shaking ...
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In its inaugural edition, Accelerate Australia & NZ reports on the country’s two biggest food retailers – Coles and Woolworths – and the need for the industry’s ...
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The first-ever special edition Accelerate Corporate – ‘Next-generation Industrial Refrigeration – from Japan to the World” – sheds light on the new generation ...
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With a special focus on the industrial refrigeration, Accelerate America reports on Campbell Soup Co., which pioneered the use low-charge ammonia refrigeration systems that improve the safety ...
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自然冷媒市場のグローバル情報誌である『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の最新刊は、2月に開催された業界ビックイベントをすべて集約したイベント特集号です!sheccoが開催するATMOsphere ...
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With a special focus on the industrial refrigeration, Accelerate America reports on how greater enforcement of federal safety regulations, coupled with a desire to better protect workers ...
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For this second edition, Accelerate Europe visits André Fourie, Head of Water Security & Environmental Value at SABMiller, at his Woking (UK) base to hear how the global brewing ...
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With a special focus on the foodservice industry, Accelerate America reports on how foodservice OEMs, component makers and end users are turning to propane and other hydrocarbon refrigerants ...
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With a special focus on regulations and standards, Accelerate America reports on how the California Air Resource Board (CARB), with the help of natural refrigerants, plans to aggressively ...
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Guide to Natural Refrigerants at the 2016 AHR Expo
From 25 - 27 January the 2016 AHR Expo will be held in Orlando, Florida. The expo will feature exhibits from 2,000+ companies representing every segment of the HVAC&R industry. For the ...
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From 25 - 27 January the 2016 AHR Expo will be held in Orlando, Florida. The expo will feature exhibits from 2,000+ companies representing every segment of the HVAC&R industry. For the ...
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In its inaugural edition, Accelerate Europe reports on one the world’s biggest food retailers — METRO AG — including its pioneering F-Gas Exit Program and plans to internalise ...
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With a special focus on training, Accelerate America reports on AAA Refrigeration Service’s aggressive efforts to train its technicians on CO2 refrigeration and keep up with supermarket ...
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With a special focus on food retail, Accelerate America reports on DeCicco & Sons bold move to become one of the few U.S. independent grocers to adopt a CO2 transcritical system for ...
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China is a land of opportunity for natural refrigerants as sweeping policy reforms clear the path for natural refrigerants to claim a stake in all major sectors. The GUIDE+ Directory of ...
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Following the success of shecco's first publication on the North American market for natural refrigerants, the "GUIDE 2013 - North America's Market Potential", the 2015 edition aims to ...
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With a special focus on food retail, Accelerate America reports on Food Lion’s expectations for its first transcritical CO2 system, which will be used to refrigerate products at a ...
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  shecco Japanがお届けする、最先端の自然冷媒情報誌『アクセレレート・ジャパン』の記念すべき初刊。今回特集したのは、延べ1,300店以上の店舗にCO2冷蔵冷凍システム導入を目指すローソン。これに加え、コカ・コーラやレッ...
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ATMOsphere America – The Business Case for Natural Refrigerants returned to the United States for the fourth time on 25&26 June 2015, and made its way south to premier in Atlanta, ...
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東京に帰ってきた二年目のATMOsphere Asiaは、アジアの枠を越えて自然冷媒技術の採用を支援することを目的に、名高い新丸ビルコンファレンススクエアに160を越える参加者を集めた。『自然冷媒―アジアのためのソリューシ...
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Brought to you by shecco, the worldwide experts in natural refrigerant news, Accelerate America is the first monthly news magazine written for and about the most progressive business leaders ...
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With a special focus on utility incentives, Accelerate America shows how utilities, end users and third parties are working together to enable utilities to provide financial rebates to facilities ...
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"GUIDE to Natural Refrigerants in China - State of the Industry 2015” is the first-ever in-depth report on the use of natural refrigerants - carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrocarbons (HCs), ...
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With a special focus on industrial refrigeration, Accelerate America shows how cold-storage warehouses are upturning established norms with low-charge ammonia systems. United States Cold ...
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ATMOpshere Europe returned to Brussels on 16 & 17 March 2015 for its 6th, and largest edition, attended by 230 participants. The event featured 60 international speakers. This comprehensive ...
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For its second year ATMOsphere Asia returned to Tokyo, where the prestigious Shin-Maru Conference Square welcomed over 160 participants, aiming to support the adoption of natural refrigerant ...
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With a special focus on the foodservice industry, Accelerate America delves into the natural-refrigerant strategies of some of the world’s biggest brands, including Coca-Cola (focused ...
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Target and Sobeys talk about how they became the first retailers in North America to choose CO2 for future refrigeration systems. Also learn about wholesaler Courchesne Larose’s ammonia-CO2 ...
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Guide to Natural Refrigerants at the 2015 AHR Expo
From 26 - 28 January the 2015 AHR Expo will feature exhibits from 2,000 companies representing every segment of the HVAC&R industry. For the natural refrigerant sector, market development ...
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From 26 - 28 January the 2015 AHR Expo will feature exhibits from 2,000 companies representing every segment of the HVAC&R industry. For the natural refrigerant sector, market development ...
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Whole Foods takes you inside its natural-refrigerants strategy, including a look at its HFC-free store in Brooklyn, N.Y. Also learn about the upcoming AHR Expo, wholesaler Courchesne Larose’s ...
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Brought to you by shecco, the worldwide experts in natural refrigerant news, Accelerate America is the first monthly news magazine written for and about the most progressive business leaders ...
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Data insights from new survey of food retail professionals
The report, developed by Carrier in partnership with market development specialist shecco, seeks to provide a clear picture of the key drivers for and against the adoption of sustainable ...
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Natural Refrigerants at Chillventa 2014
Exhibiting companies at Chillventa 2014, the world's largest international trade fair for refrigeration, air-conditioning, ventilation and heat pumps, will present a variety of products ...
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For the third consecutive year, ATMOsphere America 2014 gathered HVAC&R industry experts with the aim of supporting the adoption of natural refrigerant technology across North America. ...
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Aiming to support the adoption of natural refrigerant technology in Asia and beyond, the first-ever ATMOsphere Asia conference on natural refrigerants brought together around 180 ...
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Following the first edition in early 2012, the GUIDE Europe 2014 features completely updated information to keep up with the fast-moving natural refrigerant market. For newcomers and experts ...
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shecco’s new publication "GUIDE+: HFC taxes & fiscal incentives for natural refrigerants in Europe" provides a comprehensive overview of existing and proposed fiscal ...
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The GUIDE UNIDO supports economies in transition and developing countries looking for safe, cost-effective and technically viable natural solutions to replace ozone-depleting substances ...
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For the fifth consecutive year the European Workshop on Natural Refrigerants was held on 15-16 October 2013 in Brussels. The event opened with presentations and discussions regarding ...
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The North American Conference on Natural Refrigerants was held from June 17-19, 2013 in Washington DC. Under the banner “The Business Case for Natural Refrigerants,” the ...
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Gathering over 500 expert views the North American GUIDE is designed to address both natural refrigerant (NR) experts and new entrants to the market for more sustainable heating, cooling ...
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Meeting the Emission, Energy Efficiency and Safety Targets
The publication "Examples of NH3/CO2 secondary systems for cold store operators" highlights legislative, safety, technology, efficiency and cost aspects for NH3/CO2 refrigerant secondary ...
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The International Workshop on Natural Refrigerants was held on 5-7 November 2012 in Brussels. This year’s theme was « Solutions for Europe » to discuss the competitiveness ...
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Content of the GUIDE 2012: Natural Refrigerants - Market Growth for Europe User's Guide to NR : What are the characteristics of Natural Refrigerants? Where are they used in the Food ...
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International Workshop on Natural Refrigerants - held on 27 - 28 September in Brussels to help answer one simple question: HOW to bring natural refrigerants faster to market? 170 participants ...
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